RM 10201.055 Social Security Number (SSN) Card History

There are currently over 50 different versions of the Social Security card, all of which are valid. Until 1976, original SSN cards and replacement cards were different. The following chart lists the changes in the SSN card with effective dates.

Updated language to encourage number holders to share the number and not the card when possible.

Updated “alien” to “noncitizen” to adhere to inclusive language mandates as part of the agency’s equity guidelines.

Emphasize the internet as the most convenient way to access SSA’s services. Other minor edits/clarifications

Thirty-fifth version of the SSN card (08/2011 revision).

Beginning 08/11, a square 2D barcode of the control number appears immediately to the left of the control number on the back of the card.

Beginning 04/07, the date the card is issued is printed under the signature line.

Beginning 09/08/07, the number holder’s name is always printed on two lines, with the last name printed directly below the first and middle names.

Thirty-fourth version of the SSN card (10/2007 revision).

This version of the SSN card includes additional security features. Some of the more recognizable features are:

A unique, non-repeating spiral design, replaced the existing marbleized pattern. The new pattern is the same or a very similar color to the current background and continues to be erasable.

Color-shifting inks were added to the face of the card; very recognizable since it is used in currency.

A latent image on the face of the card, visible only when the document is viewed at specific angles.

Thirty-third version of the SSN card (11/2006 revision).

The left side of the SSN card carrier includes an explanation of the date printed under the signature line on the SSN card.

The right side of the carrier provides instructions for signing the card.

Thirty-second version of the SSN card (03/2004 revision).

The language, “DO NOT CARRY IT WITH YOU” is added to the face of the card and the anti-copy VOID pattern is removed.

In 04/2004, the restrictive legend, “VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH INS AUTHORIZATION” is changed to show INS change to DHS.

Thirty-first version of the SSN card (12/2002 revision).

Instructions were updated for clarity and to ask that the NH report changes in name, U.S. citizenship, or alien status to SSA and not allow others to use the SSN.

The instruction “do not carry it with you” was added to the back of the card.

Thirtieth version of the SSN card (06/1999 revision).

Corrected the SSA address to which cards should be returned.

Twenty-ninth version of SSN card ( 04/1995 revision).

Has SSA's new seal on the card.

Twenty-eighth version of SSN card ( 01/1994 revision).

Language on the card tells NHs to “Keep card in a safe place to prevent loss or theft.”

On 09/14/92, SSA began showing the legend “ VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH INS AUTHORIZATION ” for aliens with temporary work authorization.

Twenty-seventh version of SSN card (01/1988 revision).

Anti-copy VOID pattern was added as a security feature for the card.

Twenty-sixth version of SSN card (01/1987 revision).

Same as prior version, with slightly darker shade of blue ink on the back of the card and stub.

Twenty-fifth version of SSN card (04/1984 revision).

The card is the same as the prior version with the instructions reformatted.

Twenty-fourth version of SSN card (10/1983 revision).

SSA began issuing a counterfeit-resistant SSN card (on blue banknote paper with randomly placed, colored planchettes on the back).

On May 17, 1982, SSA began annotating SSN cards issued to aliens assigned nonwork SSNs “NOT VALID FOR EMPLOYMENT.”

Twenty-second version of SSN card (06/1982 revision).