Compulsory health insurance act croatia

Mandatory health insurance is provided by the Croatian Health Insurance Fund, and all persons with permanent residence in Croatia are obliged to obtain this insurance

CHIF supplementary insurance

If you have supplementary health insurance with the CHIF, you do not have to participate in the health care costs of mandatory health insurance

Services covered by the CHIF

If you have mandatory health insurance, some forms of health care are fully covered by the CHIF

Personal data concerning health

Your personal data concerning health can only be used by the physician of your choice, who is required to make it available to you, state administration bodies in accordance with special regulations, the Croatian Medical Chamber and the judiciary if requested to do so

Portal zdravlja (Health Portal) is Mobile-Friendly

Portal zdravlja (The Health Portal) provides Croatian citizens access to a portion of their own healthcare information from the Central Health Information System of the Republic of Croatia (CEZIH), and it is also an e-service that can be used by parents on behalf of their minor children