Research Problem vs. Research Question

Research problem and research question are two essential components of any research study. The research problem refers to the issue or gap in knowledge that the researcher aims to address through their study. It identifies the area of research that requires further investigation and highlights the significance of the study. On the other hand, the research question is a specific inquiry that the researcher formulates to guide their investigation. It is a concise and focused query that helps to narrow down the research problem and provides a clear direction for the study. While the research problem sets the broader context, the research question provides a specific and measurable objective for the research study.


AttributeResearch ProblemResearch Question
DefinitionA statement that identifies an area of concern or knowledge gap to be addressed through research.An interrogative statement that seeks to explore or investigate a specific aspect of the research problem.
FocusIdentifies the broader issue or topic that needs to be studied.Specifically targets a particular aspect or dimension of the research problem.
ScopeCan be broad and encompass multiple sub-issues or dimensions.Usually narrower in scope, focusing on a specific aspect or relationship.
FormatTypically presented as a declarative statement.Presented as an interrogative sentence.
RoleForms the basis for the research study and guides the entire research process.Provides a specific direction for the research study and helps in generating hypotheses.
ComplexityCan be complex and multifaceted, involving various factors and variables.Can be relatively simpler, focusing on a specific aspect or relationship.

Further Detail


Research is a systematic process that involves the exploration and investigation of a particular topic or issue. It aims to generate new knowledge, solve problems, or answer specific questions. In any research endeavor, it is crucial to clearly define the research problem and research question. While they are closely related, they have distinct attributes that shape the research process. This article will delve into the characteristics of research problems and research questions, highlighting their similarities and differences.

Research Problem

A research problem is the foundation of any research study. It refers to an area of concern or a gap in knowledge that requires investigation. Identifying a research problem is the initial step in the research process, as it sets the direction and purpose of the study. A research problem should be specific, clear, and well-defined to guide the research process effectively.

One of the key attributes of a research problem is that it should be significant. It should address an issue that has practical or theoretical implications and contributes to the existing body of knowledge. A significant research problem has the potential to make a positive impact on society, industry, or academia.

Furthermore, a research problem should be researchable. This means that it should be feasible to investigate and gather relevant data to address the problem. It should be within the researcher's capabilities and resources to conduct the study. A research problem that is too broad or vague may hinder the research process and lead to inconclusive results.

Additionally, a research problem should be specific and well-defined. It should clearly state the variables or concepts under investigation and provide a clear focus for the study. A well-defined research problem helps in formulating research questions and hypotheses, as it narrows down the scope of the study.

Lastly, a research problem should be original. It should contribute to the existing body of knowledge by addressing a gap or extending previous research. Originality ensures that the research study adds value and novelty to the field, making it relevant and interesting to researchers and practitioners.

Research Question

A research question is a specific inquiry that guides the research process and aims to provide an answer or solution to the research problem. It is derived from the research problem and helps in focusing the study, collecting relevant data, and analyzing the findings. A well-formulated research question is crucial for conducting a successful research study.

Similar to a research problem, a research question should be clear and specific. It should be concise and focused on a particular aspect of the research problem. A clear research question helps in determining the appropriate research design, methodology, and data collection techniques.

Furthermore, a research question should be answerable. It should be feasible to gather data and evidence to address the research question. An answerable research question ensures that the research study is practical and achievable within the given constraints.

A research question should also be relevant. It should directly relate to the research problem and contribute to the existing body of knowledge. A relevant research question ensures that the study has significance and value in the field, making it meaningful to researchers and stakeholders.

Lastly, a research question should be specific to the research context. It should consider the scope, objectives, and limitations of the study. A specific research question helps in avoiding ambiguity and ensures that the research study remains focused and coherent.


While research problems and research questions share some similarities, they also have distinct attributes that differentiate them. Both research problems and research questions should be clear, specific, and relevant to the research study. They should address a gap in knowledge and contribute to the existing body of knowledge.

However, a research problem is broader in scope compared to a research question. It sets the overall direction and purpose of the study, while a research question focuses on a specific aspect or inquiry within the research problem. A research problem provides a broader context for the study, while a research question narrows down the focus and guides the investigation.

Another difference lies in their formulation. A research problem is typically formulated as a statement or a declarative sentence, highlighting the area of concern or gap in knowledge. On the other hand, a research question is formulated as an interrogative sentence, posing a specific inquiry that needs to be answered or explored.

Furthermore, a research problem is often derived from a literature review or an analysis of existing research. It identifies the gap or area of concern based on the current state of knowledge. On the contrary, a research question is derived from the research problem itself. It is formulated to address the specific aspect or inquiry identified in the research problem.

Lastly, a research problem is usually stated at the beginning of a research study, while research questions are developed during the research design phase. The research problem sets the foundation for the study, while research questions are refined and finalized based on the research problem and objectives.


In conclusion, research problems and research questions are essential components of any research study. While they share similarities in terms of being clear, specific, and relevant, they also have distinct attributes that shape the research process. A research problem sets the overall direction and purpose of the study, while research questions focus on specific inquiries within the research problem. Both are crucial in guiding the research process, collecting relevant data, and generating new knowledge. By understanding the attributes of research problems and research questions, researchers can effectively design and conduct their studies, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.

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