
Co-operative programme for monitoring
and evaluation of the long-range
transmission of air pollutants in Europe

List of EMEP publications
with contributions from more than one of the five centers

Publications in 2024

EMEP Status Report 1/2024 "Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components"
Joint MSC-W & CCC & CEIP & CIAM Report
EMEP Status Report 1/2024 (pdf 45 MB)

Publications in 2023

EMEP Status Report 1/2023 "Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components"
Joint MSC-W & CCC & CEIP & CIAM Report
EMEP Status Report 1/2023 (pdf 56 MB)

Publications in 2022

EMEP Status Report 1/2022 "Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components"
Joint MSC-W & CCC & CEIP & CIAM Report
EMEP Status Report 1/2022 (pdf 51 MB)
(update 29 Sep 2022: corrected PM emission tables for the years 2005-2018)
EMEP Status Report 2/2022 "Assessment of heavy metal and POP pollution on global, regional and national scales"
EMEP Status Report 2/2022
MSC-W Technical Report 2/2022 "Atmospheric Supply of Nitrogen, Cadmium, B(a)P, HBCDD, PCNs and PeCB to the Baltic Sea in 2020"
Joint MSC-W & MSC-E & CCC Report for HELCOM
M. Gauss, A. Gusev, W. Aas, V. Shatalov, I. Ilyin, O. Rozovskaya, H. Klein, A. Nyiri, N. Batrakova, N. Vulykh
MSC-W Technical Report 2/2022 (pdf)

Publications in 2021

EMEP Status Report 1/2021 "Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components"
Joint MSC-W & CCC & CEIP Report
EMEP Status Report 1/2021 (pdf 51 MB) MSC-W Technical Report 1/2021 Atmospheric Supply of Nitrogen, Copper, HCB, BDE-99, SCCP and PFOS to the Baltic Sea in 2019
Joint MSC-W & MSC-E & CCC Report for HELCOM
Michael Gauss, Alexey Gusev, Wenche Aas, Victor Shatalov, Ilia Ilyin, Olga Rozovskaya, Heiko Klein, Agnes Nyiri, Nadejda Vulyh
MSC-W Technical Report 1/2021 (pdf) EMEP Status Report 2/2021 "Heavy metals and POPs: Pollution assessment of toxic substances on regional and global scales."
Joint MSC-E & CCC & CEIP Report
EMEP Status Report 2/2021
CORRIGENDUM to EMEP Status Report 2/2021

Publications in 2020

EMEP Status Report 1/2020 "Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components"
Joint MSC-W & CCC & CEIP Report
EMEP Status Report 1/2020 (pdf 76 MB) EMEP/MSC-W Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/2020 "EMEP/MSC-W model performance for acidifying and eutrophying components, photo-oxidants and particulate matter in 2017"
Joint MSC-W & CCC Report
Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/2020 (pdf 78 MB)/font> EMEP Status Report 2/2020 "Assessment of transboundary pollution by toxic substances: Heavy metals and POPs."
Joint MSC-E & CCC & CEIP Report
EMEP Status Report 2/2020
MSC-W Technical Report 3/2020 Atmospheric Supply of Nitrogen, Cadmium, Lead, Mercury, PCDD/Fs, PCB-153, and B(a)P to the Baltic Sea
Joint MSC-W & MSC-E & CCC Report for HELCOM
Michael Gauss, Alexey Gusev, Wenche Aas, Anne Hjellbrekke, Ilia Ilyin, Heiko Klein, Agnes Nyiri, Olga Rozovskaya, Victor Shatalov, Irina Strijkina, Oleg Travnikov
MSC-W Technical Report 3/2020 (pdf)

Publications in 2019

EMEP Status Report 1/2019 "Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components"
Joint MSC-W & CCC & CEIP Report
EMEP Status Report 1/2019 (pdf 31 MB) Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/2019 "EMEP/MSC-W model performance for acidifying and eutrophying components, photo-oxidants and particulate matter in 2017"
Joint MSC-W & CCC Report
Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/2019 (pdf 84 MB) EMEP Status Report 2/2019 "Assessment of transboundary pollution by toxic substances: Heavy metals and POPs."
Joint MSC-E & CCC & CEIP Report
EMEP Status Report 2/2019

Publications in 2018

EMEP Status Report 1/2018 "Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components"
Joint MSC-W & CCC & CEIP Report
EMEP Status Report 1/2018 (pdf 52 MB) Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/2018 "EMEP/MSC-W model performance for acidifying and eutrophying components, photo-oxidants and particulate matter in 2016"
Joint MSC-W & CCC Report
Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/2018 (pdf 70 MB) EMEP Status Report 2/2018 "Assessment of heavy metals transboundary pollution on global, regional and national scales"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
EMEP Status Report 2/2018
EMEP Status Report 3/2018 "Persistent organic pollutants: assessment of transboundary pollution on global, regional, and national scales"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
EMEP Status Report 3/2017 EMEP/MSC-E Supplementary material to EMEP Status Reports 2/2018 and 3/2018 "Heavy metal and POP transboundary pollution in 2016: Concentration and deposition maps, source-receptor matrices, and evaluation of model performance"
Supplementary material to EMEP Status Reports 2/2018 and 3/2018

Publications in 2017

EMEP Status Report 1/2017 "Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components"
Joint MSC-W & CCC & CEIP Report
EMEP Status Report 1/2017 (pdf 91 MB) EMEP/MSC-W Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/2017 "EMEP/MSC-W model performance for acidifying and eutrophying components, photo-oxidants and particulate matter in 2015"
Joint MSC-W & CCC Report
Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/2017 (pdf 70 MB) EMEP Status Report 2/2017 "Assessment of heavy metals transboundary pollution on regional and national scales, transition to the new EMEP grid."
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
EMEP Status Report 2/2017
EMEP Status Report 3/2017 "Transboundary transport of persistent organic pollutants with emphasis on PAHs: regional and national scale assessment and transition to the new EMEP grid. "
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
EMEP Status Report 3/2017 EMEP/MSC-E Supplementary material to EMEP Status Reports 2/2017 and 3/2017 "Heavy metal and POP transboundary pollution in 2015: Concentration and deposition maps, source-receptor matrices, ecosystem-specific deposition and evaluation of model performance"
Supplementary material to EMEP Status Reports 2/2017 and 3/2017

Publications in 2016

EMEP Status Report 1/2016 "Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components"
Joint MSC-W & CCC & CEIP Report
EMEP_Status_Report_1/2016 (pdf 55 MB) Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/2016 "EMEP/MSC-W model performance for acidifying and eutrophying components, photo-oxidants and particulate matter in 2014"
Joint MSC-W & CCC Report
Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/2016 (pdf 48 MB) EMEP Status Report 2/2015 "Assessment of heavy metals transboundary pollution, progress in model development and mercury research"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
EMEP Status Report 2/2016 (pdf)
EMEP Status Report 3/2015 "Persistent organic pollutants: model assessment of pollution research activity"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
EMEP Status Report 3/2016 (pdf)

Publications in 2015

EMEP Status Report 1/2015 "Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components"
Joint MSC-W & CCC & CEIP Report
EMEP Status Report 1/2015 (pdf 55 MB) Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/2015 "EMEP/MSC-W model performance for acidifying and eutrophying components, photo-oxidants and particulate matter in 2013"
Joint MSC-W & CCC Report
Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/2015 (pdf 48 MB) EMEP Status Report 2/2015 "Heavy metals: Analysis of long-term trends, country-specific research and progress in mercury regional and global modelling"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
EMEP Status Report 2/2015 (pdf)
EMEP Status Report 3/2015 "Assessment of spatial and temporal trends of POP pollution on regional and global scale "
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
EMEP Status Report 3/2015 (pdf)

Publications in 2014

EMEP Status Report 1/2014 "Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components"
Joint MSC-W & CCC & CEIP Report
EMEP Status Report 1/2014 (pdf 30 MB) (pdf 2 MB)
Updated pdf file on 2014-09-11: corrections to Table 8.2 Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/2014 "EMEP/MSC-W model performance for acidifying and eutrophying components, photo-oxidants and particulate matter in 2012"
Joint MSC-W & CCC Report
Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/2014 (pdf 25 MB) EMEP Status Report 2/2014 "Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the Environment"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
EMEP Status Report 2/2014 (pdf)
EMEP Status Report 3/2014 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
EMEP Status Report 3/2014 (pdf)

Publications in 2013

EMEP Status Report 1/2013 "Transboundary acidification, eutrophication and ground level ozone in Europe in 2011"
Joint MSC-W & CCC & CEIP Report
EMEP_report_1_2013 (pdf 90 MB) (pdf 2 MB) Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/2013 "EMEP/MSC-W model performance for acidifying and eutrophying components and photo-oxidants in 2011"
Joint MSC-W & CCC Report
Supplementary material to emep report 1 2013 (pdf 44 MB) Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/2013 "Source-receptor tables for 2011 - extended version"
MSC-W Report
Extended_SRtables_2011.pdf (pdf)
SRtables_2011_csv.tar.gz (gz) SR tables in CSV format EMEP Status Report 2/13 "Long-term Changes of Heavy Metal Transboundary Pollution of the Environment (1990-2010)"
Joint MSC-E & CCC & CEIP Report
emep_report_2_2013 (pdf 11 MB)
EMEP Status Report 3/13 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
emep_report_3_2013 (pdf 7.5 MB) EMEP Status Report 4/13 "Transboundary Particulate Matter in Europe: Status Report 4/2013"
Joint CCC & MSC-W & CEIP & CIAM Report
emep_report_4_2013 (pdf)

Publications in 2012

EMEP Status Report 1/2012 "Transboundary acidification, eutrophication and ground level ozone in Europe in 2010"
Joint MSC-W & CCC & CEIP Report
emep_report_1_2012 (pdf 70 MB) Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/2012 "EMEP/MSC-W model performance for acidifying and eutrophying components and photo-oxidants in 2010"
Joint MSC-W & CCC Report
Supplementary material to emep report 1 2012 (pdf 42 MB) EMEP Status Report 2/12 "Long-term Changes of Heavy Metal Transboundary Pollution of the Environment (1990-2010)"
Joint MSC-E & CCC & CEIP Report
emep_report_2_2012 (pdf 1.8 MB)
EMEP Status Report 3/12 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
emep_report_3_2012 (pdf 2.8 MB) EMEP Status Report 4/12 "Transboundary Particulate Matter in Europe: Status Report 4/2012"
Joint CCC & MSC-W & CEIP & CIAM Report
emep_report_4_2012 (pdf)

Publications in 2011

EMEP Status Report 1/11 "Transboundary acidification, eutrophication and ground level ozone in Europe in 2009"
Joint MSC-W & CCC & CEIP Report
emep_report_1_2011 (pdf 42 MB) Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/11 "EMEP Unified model performance for acidifying and eutrophying components and photo-oxidants in 2009"
Joint MSC-W & CCC Report
Supplementary material to emep report 1 2011 (pdf 42 MB)
This year the evaluation of the performance of the EMEP Unified model for 2009 is not included in the printed EMEP Status Report 1/11, but is available as a pdf document here. EMEP Status Report 2/11 "Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the Environment"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
emep_report_2_2011 (pdf 4 MB)
EMEP Status Report 3/11 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
emep_report_3_2011 (zip 6.1 MB) EMEP Status Report 4/11 "Transboundary Particulate Matter in Europe: Status Report 2011"
Joint CCC & MSC-W & CEIP & CIAM Report
emep_report_4_2011 (pdf)

Publications in 2010

EMEP Status Report 1/10 "Transboundary acidification, eutrophication and ground level ozone in Europe in 2008"
Joint MSC-W & CCC & CEIP Report
emep_report_1_2010 (pdf 48 MB) Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/10 "EMEP Unified model performance for acidifying and eutrophying components and photo-oxidants in 2008"
Joint MSC-W & CCC Report
Supplementary material to emep report 1 2010 (pdf 48 MB)
This year the evaluation of the performance of the EMEP Unified model for 2008 is not included in the printed EMEP Status Report 1/10, but is available as a pdf document here. EMEP Status Report 2/10 "Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the Environment"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
emep_report_2_2010 (pdf 4 MB)
EMEP Status Report 3/10 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
emep_report_3_2009 (zip 6.1 MB) EMEP Status Report 4/10 "Transboundary Particulate Matter in Europe: Status Report 2009"
Joint CCC & MSC-W & CEIP & CIAM Report
emep_report_4_2010 (pdf 12 MB)

Publications in 2009

EMEP Status Report 1/09 "Transboundary acidification, eutrophication and ground level ozone in Europe in 2007"
Joint MSC-W & CCC & CEIP Report
emep_report_1_2009 (pdf 33 MB) Corrigendum to EMEP Status Report 1/09 "Source-receptor tables for 2007 (Extended domain)" Joint MSC-W & CCC & CEIP Report -->
Corrigendum_SRtables_2007 (pdf 204 KB)
Note that a mistake was found in the gridding of emissions for Croatia for 2007, affecting model calculations for acidifying and eutrophying compounds as well as ozone. Nordic countries and neighbor countries of Croatia were most affected. Corrected source-receptor matrices can be found in this document. Supplementary material to EMEP Status Report 1/09 "EMEP Unified model performance for acidifying and eutrophying components and photo-oxidants in 2007"
Joint MSC-W & CCC Report
Supplementary material to emep report 1 2009 (pdf 50 MB)
This year the evaluation of the performance of the EMEP Unified model for 2007 is not included in the printed EMEP Status Report 1/09, but is available as a pdf document here. EMEP Status Report 2/09 "Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the Environment"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
emep_report_2_2009 (zip 4.8 MB)
EMEP Status Report 3/09 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
emep_report_3_2009 (zip 6.1 MB) EMEP Status Report 4/09 "Transboundary Particulate Matter in Europe: Status Report 2009"
Joint CCC & MSC-W & CEIP & CIAM Report
emep_report_4_2009 (pdf 12 MB) MSC-W Data Note 1/09 Transboundary data by main pollutants (S, N, O3) and PM.
Ágnes Nyíri, Michael Gauss and Heiko Klein
Russian translation: Svetlana Tsyro
Note that a mistake was found in the gridding of emissions for Croatia for 2007 after the printed country reports had been posted. The mistake affected model calculations for acidifying and eutrophying compounds as well as ozone. Nordic countries and neighbor countries of Croatia were most affected. The country reports have been corrected and are available here.

Publications in 2008

EMEP Status Report 1/08 "Transboundary acidification, eutrophication and ground level ozone in Europe in 2006"
Joint MSC-W & CCC & CEIP Report
emep_report_1_2008 (pdf 34 MB)
EMEP Status Report 2/08 "Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the Environment"
Joint MSC-E & CCC & CCE Report
emep_report_2_2008 (zip 12 MB)
EMEP Status Report 3/08 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
emep_report_3_2008 (zip 21.5 MB) EMEP Status Report 4/08 "Transboundary Particulate Matter in Europe: Status Report 2008"
Joint CCC & MSC-W & CEIP Report
emep_report_4_2008 (pdf 15 MB) MSC-W Data Note 1/08 Transboundary data by main pollutants (S, N, O3) and PM.
Michael Gauss, Agnes Nyiri and Heiko Klein

Publications in 2007

EMEP Status Report 1/07 "Transboundary acidification, eutrophication and ground level ozone in Europe in 2005"
Joint MSC-W & CCC Report
emep_report_1_2007.pdf (19.7 MB)
EMEP Status Report 2/07 "Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the Environment"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
emep_report_2_2007 (zip 7.6 MB)
EMEP Status Report 3/07 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
emep_report_3_2007 (zip 8.3 MB) EMEP Status Report 4/07 "Transboundary Particulate Matter in Europe: Status Report 2007"
Joint CCC & MSC-W Report
emep_report_4_2007 (pdf 13 MB) MSC-W Data Note 1/07 Transboundary data by main pollutants (S, N, O3) and PM.
H. Klein, A. Benedictow and H. Fagerli

Publications in 2006

EMEP Status Report 1/06 "Transboundary acidification, eutrophication and ground level ozone in Europe since 1990 to 2004", EMEP Status Report 2006 to support the Review of Gothenburg Protocol
Joint MSC-W & CCC & ICP-FORESTs & ICP-M&M & ETC/ACC Report
emep_report_1_2006_ch.pdf (CHAPTERS 1-5 : 16.4 MB)
emep_report_1_2006_app.pdf (Appendix A-C 7.2 MB) EMEP Status Report 2/06 "Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the Environment"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
emep_report_2_2006 (zip 6.5 MB)
EMEP Status Report 3/06 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
emep_report_3_2006 (zip 8 MB)
EMEP Status Report 4/06 "Transboundary Particulate Matter in Europe: Status Report 2006"
Joint CCC & MSC-W Report
emep_report_4_2006 (pdf 6 MB) MSC-W Data Note 1/06 Transboundary data by main pollutants (S, N, O3) and PM.
H. Klein and A Benedictow

Publications in 2005

EMEP Status Report 1/05 "Transboundary acidification, eutrophication and ground level ozone in Europe in 2003"
Joint MSC-W & CCC & CIAM Report
emep_report_1_2005_ch1-4.pdf (chapter 1-4 : 24 MB)
emep_report_1_2005_ch5-8_app.pdf (chapter 5-8 + appendix: 16 MB) EMEP Status Report 2/05 "Heavy metals:transboundary pollution of the environment"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
emep_report_2_2005.pdf EMEP Status Report 3/05 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
emep_report_3_2005.pdf EMEP Status Report 4/04 "Transboundary Particulate Matter in Europe: Status Report 2005"
Joint CCC & MSC-W & CIAM Report
emep_report_4_2005.pdf MSC-W Data Note 1/05 Transboundary data by main pollutants (S, N, O3) and PM in 2003, Country reports 2005
H. Klein, P. Wind and M. van Loon

Publications in 2004

EMEP Status Report 1/04 "Transboundary acidification, eutrophication and ground level ozone in Europe"
Joint MSC-W & CCC & CIAM & ICP-M&M & CCE Report
emep_report_1_2004: pages 1 - 48 (pdf file) (8.6 MB)
emep_report_1_2004: pages 49 - 81 (pdf file) (6.9 MB)
emep_report_1_2004: pages 82 - 131 (pdf file) (7.5 MB)
emep_report_1_2004: pages 132 -154, annex A; tables 1 & 2 (pdf file) (6.7 MB)
emep_report_1_2004: annex A; tables 3 - 7, B & C (pdf file) (7.3 MB)
Corrigendum (pdf file) (1.0 MB)
EMEP Status Report 2/04 "Heavy metals:transboundary pollution of the environment"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
emep_report_2_2004.pdf EMEP Status Report 3/04 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment"
Joint MSC-E & CCC Report
emep_report_3_2004.pdf EMEP Status Report 4/04 "Transboundary Particulate Matter in Europe: Status Report 2004"
Joint CCC & MSC-W & CIAM Report
emep_report_4_2004.pdf MSC-W Data Note 1/04 Transboundary data by main pollutants (S, N, O3) and PM Country reports 2004
By Heiko Klein, Peter Wind and Maarten van Loon

Publications in 2003

EMEP Status Report 1/03 Part I "Transboundary acidification and eutrophication and ground level ozone in Europe: Unified EMEP model description"
emep_report_1_part1_2003.pdf EMEP Status Report 1/03 Part II "Transboundary acidification and eutrophication and ground level ozone in Europe: Unified EMEP model performance"
Joint CCC & MSC-W Report
emep_report_1_part2_2003.pdf EMEP Status Report 1/03 Part III "Transboundary acidification and eutrophication and ground level ozone in Europe: Source-Receptor relationships"
emep_report_1_part3_2003.pdf (Appendix B (Albania - Germany), Appendix B (Greece - Russian Federation), Appendix B (Slovakia - Black Sea))
Corrigendum_page25 EMEP Status Report 2/03. "Heavy Metals: Transboundary Pollution of the Environment" EMEP Status Report 2/2003
By I. Ilyin, O. Travnikov, W. Aas and H. Uggerud
Joint MSC-E & CCC report
emep_report_2_2003.pdf EMEP Status Report 3/03 "Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Environment" EMEP Status Report 3/2003
By V.Shatalov, S. Dutchak, M.Fedyunin, E.Mantseva, B.Strukov, M.Varygina, N.Vulykh, W. Aas and S.Mano
Joint MSC-E & CCC report
emep_report_3_2003.pdf EMEP Status Report 4/03 "Transboundary particular matter in Europe: Status Report 2003"
Ed. by Michael Kahnert and Leonor Tarrasón
Joint CCC & MSC-W & CIAM report

Publications in 2002

EMEP Report 1&2/01, July 2002. "Transboundary acidification and eutrophication and ground level ozone in Europe. EMEP Status Report 2002"
Joint CCC & MSC-W Report
emep_report_1_2_2002.pdf EMEP Report 3/02. "Heavy metal contamination on European and Hemispheric Scales. EMEP Status Report 2002"
Joint CCC & MSC-E report
emep_report_3_2002.pdf EMEP Report 4/02. "POP contamination on European and Hemispheric Scales. EMEP Status Report 2002"
Joint CCC & MSC-E report
emep_report_4_2002.pdf EMEP Report 5/02. "Transboundary particulate matter in Europe. Status Report 2002"
Joint CCC, CIAM & MSC-W report

Publications in 2001

EMEP Report 1/01, July 2001. "Transboundary acidification and eutrophication and ground level ozone in Europe. EMEP Summary Report 2001"
Joint CIAM & CCC & MSC-W report
Corrigendum_chapter2.pdf EMEP Report 2/01, June 2001. "Evaluation of transboundary transport of heavy metals in 1999. Trend analysis"
Joint CCC & MSC-E report
emep_report_2_2001.pdf EMEP Report 3/01, June 2001. "Assessment of POP transport and accumulation in the environment"
Joint CCC & MSC-E report
emep_report_3_2001.pdf EMEP Report 4/01, June 2001. "Transboundary Particulate Matter in Europe: Status Report 2001"
Joint CCC & MSC-W report

Publications in 2000

EMEP Report 1/00, July 2000. "Transboundary Acidification and Eutrophication in Europe. EMEP Summary Report 2000".
Report_1_2000_appendix_4.pdf EMEP Report 2/00, July 2000. "Transboundary Photo-oxidants in Europe. EMEP Summary Report 2000".
Report_2_2000_part8.pdf Joint CCC/MSC-W reports 2000 "Status report with respect to Measurements, Modelling and Emissions of Particulate Matter in EMEP: An integrated approach."
"Contributions from: Mihalis Lazaridis, Arne Semb, Jozef Pacyna, Øystein Hov, Jan Schaug, Steinar Larssen, Leonor Tarrason, Svetlana Tsyro, David Simpson, Krzysztof Olendrzynski, Yvonn Andersson-Sköld" EMEP Report 5/2000 (pdf, 1.6MB) EMEP Report 5/2000 (Word 6.0/98, zipped, 1.2MB)

EMEP/MSC-E & MCS-W Note 7/00, July 2000. "Parameterisation of aerosol deposition processes in EMEP MSC-E and MSC-W transport models".
By Svetlana Tsyro and Leonid Erdman

Publications in 1999

EMEP Report 1/99, July 1999. "Transboundary Acid Deposition in Europe. EMEP Summary Report 1999".Edited by Leonor Tarrason and Jan Schaug
Download EMEP Report 2/99, July 1999. "Transboundary Photo-oxidants in Europe. EMEP Summary Report 1999".