Why You Need A Yoga Intake Form (FREE download)

why you need a private yoga intake form

Teaching private yoga classes is a great way to boost your income as a yoga teacher and gain experience with one-on-one teaching. The ONE thing you need to get started? A private yoga intake form. Here’s why:

A private yoga intake form is a simple, all-in-one admin solution to taking on new clients. It can include your pricing, package options, payment details, and of course, questions that help you get to know your client so you can tailor classes to their needs.

In this blog post, I’ll explain in depth what this simple document can do for your yoga business and give you the link to a pretty, polished and FREE intake form right from my Business Launchpad training for yoga teachers. But wait – not ready yet? I’ll also cover some common obstacles this form presents to yoga teachers on the path to succeeding in their businesses (hint 😊 you can do it).

First Things First! Buy Yoga Teacher’s Insurance

If you’re teaching yoga in the U.S., you need an insurance plan! It’s one of the non-negotiables these days. Why?

Because, you just never know what’s going to happen in on of your classes – and in the U.S., people can sue you for just about anything. No matter how great of a teacher you are, you can’t fend of every possible risk. Many studios actually require teachers to carry their own insurance as a condition of employment, releasing the studio and teach from liability in case of injuries.

This is even more important when teaching private clients. If a private yoga client injures themselves during a class with you, they might decide to press charges against you. Or worse, they might not even injure themselves, but are simply unhappy with the outcome of their sessions with you. The last thing you want is to end up with big legal fees if it should come to a lawsuit. A good insurance plan will protect you from damage claims so you can focus on what’s most important; teaching great quality classes!

Disclaimer 🚨 Even if you ask your clients to sign a waiver as part of your yoga intake form, it won’t protect you in case of a heavy lawsuit.

You may choose to include a liability waiver with your intake form as an additional measure to a solid insurance plan, but don’t replace your insurance plan with a DIY waiver form. Definitely get insurance and then follow up with waivers on an as-needed basis. We’ll dive into the extra benefits of an intake form below.

Why You Need A Private Yoga Intake Form

Think about your private yoga intake form as part of your client’s practice experience with you. You want to make them feel valued, right? Most yoga teachers ask their clients to complete a private yoga intake form prior to practicing. The main purpose for a yoga intake form is to get to know your students by capturing some key details about them, and giving them a chance to communicate important information they may not otherwise share (i.e. health conditions, long term goals, etc).

This form can actually achieve many goals in one simple document, which can save you time sending emails so you can get down to teaching. It’s totally fair game to include all of the following in your yoga intake form:

Forget the fuss over designing your own and download this FREE yoga intake form from my Business Launchpad course below 👇 It has everything you need to get started teaching private yoga classes.